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https://reurl.cc/8NnlO7 Perhaps most importantly, Sternberg noted that the Rays are willing to cover the costs of more than half of a proposed domed stadium in St. Petersburg, with the project estimated to cost $1.2 billion in total. The comments give fans a windo w into what the Rays’ total commitment might look like if a deal is worked out for the first time while providing an update on the negotiations, which Sternber g says he is “highly optimistic” about. Topkin notes that a deal could get don e before the end of the year. 光芒老闆Stu Sternberg願意出超過一半的錢來蓋新的巨蛋球場(預計要12億鎂) 這大概會超過6億美金 而他對於目前進度感到相當樂觀,有可能年底前能搞定 Such a deal would seemingly leave the Rays owing over $600MM for the stadium, wh ich Topkin notes would open in 2028, the year following the expiration of Tampa ’s lease at Tropicana Field. Sternberg says that the club has been seeking inve stors to raise the necessary funds in exchange for a stake in the team. Topkin a dds that those discussions have been the catalyst for inquiries regarding the po ssibility of a sale of th entire team, and Sternberg has not shut those offers d own entirely. 球場有機會2028落成 光芒也尋求投資者來分攤建造費用(用球團股權交換) Regarding the possibility of selling the team, Sternberg told Topkin that he doe sn’t intend on selling and expects to remain the club’s principal owner. That said, Sternberg expressed a willingness to listen to offers, saying that “when you’re talking about people raising potentially hundreds of millions of dollars , they’re going, ‘Well, maybe we can buy the whole damn thing.’ So they take a run at you.” Sternberg likened his approach to inquiries regarding the team t o that of his front office regarding the club’s players, saying that “if you w ant to make an offer, I always listen” but adding that no deal is in the works despite the club receiving plenty of offers over the years. Stu Sternberg本人目前仍沒有把球隊賣掉的意願 但如果有報價他願意聽 Sternberg added that he has no intentions of moving the team, though he did simu ltaneously indicate that without a new stadium agreement the Rays would likely b e on the move, explaining that he would sell the team if the club fails to reach a new stadium agreement in the Tampa Bay area and that he would expect a hypoth etical new owner to explore relocation for the team following the expiration of the club’s current lease in 2027. Fortunately for Rays fans, that eventuality s eems unlikely to come to fruition as things stand. Sternberg describes the negot iations with St. Petersburg as “moving along at a very nice pace” and says tha t he “feel[s] pretty good” about where the talks are at with just under four m onths left in the year. 也沒有想把光芒搬家的意願 如果最終談不成新球場,Sternberg就會選擇把光芒賣了 由下一個老闆決定球隊去留 但目前和市府的交涉過程相當良好 看來快談好了,那接下來就是要處理擴隊了吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1694401411.A.D9E.html
Roshiel: 12E09/11 11:04
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/11/2023 11:04:27
abc12812: 12億的一半 09/11 11:05
amos30627: 美國人6億就蓋的好 反觀09/11 11:06
EKman: 會比新竹球場更符合大聯盟規定嗎09/11 11:07
FK84288: 說6億就蓋好的是不是根本沒看內文09/11 11:08
jarrodqq896: 要繼續在聖彼得堡啊 那問題能解決嗎09/11 11:08
JHENGKUNLIN: 蓋好也要花12億09/11 11:09
bill321: 好奇前面幾樓是在反串還是認真的XD09/11 11:09
flowerabby01: 難怪台灣球場被吊著打 資本的力量啊09/11 11:09
pru5566: 光芒這麼窮也願意出喔09/11 11:09
c8121175: 有地下停車場嗎09/11 11:09
qpb852qpb742: 有地下停車場嗎09/11 11:10
gopher: 光芒目前主場的主要問題是位子太偏僻,不然其實光芒在當09/11 11:10
gopher: 地的電視收視率是蠻不錯的09/11 11:10
nedsonyy: 跟台灣差30倍…09/11 11:10
jhn840530: 6億是美金,大家麻煩看個單位09/11 11:11
lmf770410: 知道是美金啦 只是就是有人想臭一下09/11 11:11
ILALY: 美國地那麼大,不需要地下停車塲吧09/11 11:13
raysbuck: 運鈔車09/11 11:13
Bystander21: 台灣除了中信屏東園區就沒有企業願意買地蓋球場了啊09/11 11:14
Bystander21: 然後政府蓋一堆問題一堆 09/11 11:14
k22015987: 12億美金的巨蛋球場是國產車還是進口車? 09/11 11:16
NLstyle: 乾 超有的09/11 11:17
lwswjs: 問就是12E 09/11 11:20
kayuzzo15135: 啊美國材料費什麼的也都比台灣貴 人家美國用美金哪09/11 11:22
kayuzzo15135: 裡有問題09/11 11:22
instill8: 男朋友09/11 11:24
tp61i6503: 180E09/11 11:26
LondonHot: 小錢吧,菇菇想要的話60億美金都可以09/11 11:27
ca1123: 之前洋基球場好像5億美金就覺得超貴,現在已經到12億了09/11 11:28
洋基球場要23億鎂吧 https://i.imgur.com/RDTxKSw.jpg
ivan761016: 反觀台灣預算只有12E難怪蓋成那樣09/11 11:29
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/11/2023 11:30:54 ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/11/2023 11:32:02
JHENGKUNLIN: 別忘洪家蓋龍潭 09/11 11:36
ccl007: 佛羅里達氣候跟台灣差不多 市場規模不到 不然蓋開闔式巨蛋 09/11 11:38
ccl007: 真的很讚 09/11 11:38
shipinRD: 弱爆了新竹一個球場就12億了,冥黨可以蓋兩個 09/11 11:38
GoldKiller: 沒有大秘寶的球場我可是不認同的 09/11 11:41
cowardooooo: 前幾樓反串黑嗎? 09/11 11:43
chunwua: 新竹市政府臉書有寫啊:結構工程2.26億元、建築工程1.3 09/11 11:45
chunwua: 億元、球場工程1.23億元,這些合計約4.8億元;另新增地 09/11 11:45
chunwua: 下停車場耗費3.2億。以上合計約8億元 09/11 11:45
Eric102990: 在臭之前中國球場那些不看單位的吧 09/11 11:46
jojo726: 新竹棒球場是0.4億鎂含停車場 09/11 11:48
jojo726: 然後要比照合約沒有的大聯盟規格下去檢視 09/11 11:48
jojo726: 吃米不知米價 09/11 11:48
petergold: 一堆智障看顏色護航。台灣沒救了 09/11 12:02
KWBilly: 其實有些臺灣沒產的材料不會比美國便宜,因為得去國際市 09/11 12:04
KWBilly: 場買 09/11 12:04
johnli: 不用扯什麼大聯盟球場 是有贏過別人1A球場嗎 09/11 12:07
jojo726: 樓上去叫高虹安不要開口閉口就大聯盟標準啊 09/11 12:09
taisam23: 最近幾個yt去美國球場的巡禮看了一下 人家大聯盟球場不 09/11 12:09
taisam23: 是球場主體而已 還包括周邊一大片的區域 09/11 12:10
kirimaru73: 反觀我們只是維修就蒸發十二億 09/11 12:15
Cowyau: 美國工程的管線藍圖的費用就很可觀了 09/11 12:15
qwe710535: 是要反觀台灣球團吧 09/11 12:18
scott29: 大聯盟水準只要六億(鎂) 09/11 12:19
EKman: 台灣的地就是少,很難跟美國一樣的做法 09/11 12:19
scott29: 不過這個真的算便宜了,之 09/11 12:21
scott29: 前不是說皇家要花25億蓋新 09/11 12:21
scott29: 的 09/11 12:21
DorkKnight: 新球場要蓋哪裡啊?可不想看到季後賽觀眾還稀稀落落 09/11 12:33
DorkKnight: 的 09/11 12:33
just206: 賣鬧啊,我們職業隊用的球場比人家農場的球場還爛。 09/11 12:35
beeboombee: 能種香菇嗎 09/11 12:39
aids893001: 新竹屌打 09/11 12:41
ctes940008: 運動家: 09/11 12:49
nogood86: 應該找遠雄去蓋 09/11 12:57
Langerhans: 光芒乾脆搬去奧蘭多好了 09/11 13:04
k33536: 太嫩了吧 台灣可是有人要你花12億台幣就辦到的事耶 09/11 13:07
kevin9964: 北廣島130億 09/11 13:36
team1245: 前面幾樓連單位都不看 很急喔 09/11 13:44
a0913: 12億球場 美金! 09/11 15:02
bestteam: 開發範圍差這麼多 光芒可不是蓋一個小球場而已 09/11 15:30
luludream: 党發現貪太少了 09/11 15:58
Lucachen: 反觀台灣 09/12 00:33
kenny719: 姑姑怎麼可能覺得60億美是小錢 當初答應要蓋球場也沒 09/12 03:11
kenny719: 下文 說大話要北部一座南部一座 現在什麼都沒看到 09/12 03:11

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