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https://reurl.cc/rvx2q1 DeGrom (elbow) threw a 45-pitch bullpen session Tuesday, MLB.com reports. DeGrom threw three sets of 15 pitches and came away from the session feeling goo d. The right-hander reiterated once again the goal is to pitch this year and hop efully get the Rangers into the postseason. Texas general manager Chris Young ad mitted that return timelines are fluid, but the organization's goal is to have d eGrom pitching for the Rangers at some point in August. 去年開TJ的Jacob deGrom 在美國時間週二完成了45球的牛棚,然後本人感覺良好 目標是在八月能復出 ------- 5yr/$185M 2023 35歲 $30M 2024 36歲 $40M 2025 37歲 $40M 2026 38歲 $38M 2027 39歲 $37M ---------------------------------有條件觸發(已觸發) 2028 40歲 $20M or $30M or $37M Texas has a conditional option for 2028 that would be triggered if from 2023-26 deGrom has Tommy John surgery on his right elbow or has any right elbow or shoul der injury that causes him to be on the injured list for any period of 130 conse cutive days during any season or 186 days in a row during any service period. 2023-2026 如果開TJ,就會讓條子擁有第六年(2028)的球團選項 The conditional option would be for $30 million if deGrom finishes among the top five in Cy Young voting during the contract or pitches at least 625 innings. Th e option price would increase to $37 million if he finishes among the top five t hree times or more or pitches at least 725 innings. If he falls short of those s pecifications, the conditional option price would be $20 million. 金額 $37M→三次賽揚前五 or 共計投了725局 $30M→一次賽揚前五 or 共計投了625局 $20M→都沒達成 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1722524623.A.430.html
kenro: 都忘了還有地瓜 08/01 23:05
davidex: 都忘記有這個人了 08/01 23:08
Fitzwilliam: 真沒想到他也35了 08/01 23:09
eee60109: 回來救條子 08/01 23:09
EEERRIICC: 投小力一點… 08/01 23:13
kenkenken31: 投手版Tulo,只要不受傷就是最強SS/SP?? 08/01 23:15
carlchang092: 地瓜回來還有能幾成功力? 08/01 23:26
tarcowang: 不是梅子﴿? 08/01 23:28
Aaronko: Tulo沒傷也跟最強SS沾不上邊…當基特死人? 08/01 23:29
carlchang092: 早就不在梅子了XDDD 08/01 23:30
bingreen: 疑,真的忘了地瓜的存在= = 08/01 23:30
Iversonchi: QQ 我也沒注意到他不在梅子了.... 08/01 23:31
ct13579: 健康的地瓜只是個傳說嗎 08/01 23:35
yaes111: 躺到都忘記他了 08/01 23:35
knuckles1982: 曾經的地表最強 08/01 23:40
wangderful04: 拜託這次投慢一點…我條需要你 08/01 23:45
seemoon2000: 傳說中的最強投手 沒受傷的話 08/01 23:46
standfore: 又要先去小聯盟炸魚一下了.. 08/01 23:54
kenkenken31: 2010~2015時Tulo也都被這麼說,沒受傷不用討論誰最強 08/01 23:55
t93149: 健康的時候是最強但..... 08/02 00:05
tupacshkur: 懷念健康的地瓜QQ 地表最強 08/02 00:14
geneaven: 強到在IL也能拿戒指的男人 08/02 00:18
Crissangel: 米國江少慶? 08/02 00:21
b99202071: 江你媽逼 人家有2CY江有啥 08/02 00:26
Hard4Love: 笑死樓上超派 08/02 00:28
dan5120: 地瓜去年有躺冠==? 08/02 00:30
saidon: 去年只有開季時出賽六場然後就沒了 這沒躺麻 08/02 00:35
taker627: 血條只有1小格 08/02 00:36
yujuismylove: 有年紀了 沒辦法 08/02 00:43
freecurve: 他投球動作真的是最漂亮的... 08/02 00:52
punk1799: 咦 這個人是誰!? 08/02 00:59
TARS75: 美國江北鼻 08/02 01:22
bbbruce: 可以來台灣了 08/02 01:52
keltt: 健康就是賽揚,可惜就是不健康 QQ 08/02 02:27
idingdang: 比江少慶還快 08/02 05:27
o86869595: 玻璃王 08/02 05:54
Yjizz: 迪葛隆 08/02 06:47
Yjizz: 梅子去年有千賀 要是兩個cY也有威力.... 08/02 06:48
Lebrono: 獨角獸 08/02 07:01
mightymouse: 2021年很可惜,如果沒中途受傷應該會是MLB史上最強 08/02 07:12
mightymouse: 單季投球成績 08/02 07:12
zxc123519: 整個生涯幾乎一半時間都在躺.. 08/02 07:42
dick929: 還以為他退休了 08/02 08:30
s5894143: 如果沒在梅子的話,也許會比較健康? 08/02 08:31
dick929: 現代強投都是猛個兩三季就開啟院長模式,真的是燃燒手臂 08/02 08:32
dick929: 換神級表現 08/02 08:32
kiss7938: 完全不看好他還能重拾過去的宰制力 08/02 09:21
Schnell: 都忘了這個神獸了 08/02 09:38
StressND: 最盤合約 08/02 11:28
Yofu: 回來投季後賽 08/02 11:57
saidon: s5894143: 如果沒在梅子的話,也許會比較健康? 08/02 23:43
saidon: 他去年就是去了條子結果還受傷阿 08/02 23:43

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