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中東跨國聯盟正在如火如荼的籌備中 而前陣子也開始蓋球場了 https://reurl.cc/ReRYkg DUBAI, UAE (September 3, 2024) – Baseball United, the first professional baseba ll league focused on the Middle East and South Asia, announced today its plans t o build the first professional baseball field and ballpark in the history of the region. The new ballpark will be located in Dubai, the city in which Baseball U nited played its historic inaugural games last year. 中東跨國聯盟宣布將在杜拜蓋一座容量6500的球場 https://i.imgur.com/fC9euqz.jpeg
Tentatively called Baseball United Ballpark with naming rights negotiations stil l underway, the new field will feature a dual fiber, synthetic turf playing surf ace. The turf includes an organic infill and geotextile fabric optimized to ensu re performance in Dubai’s high temperatures. The LED lighting system will gener ate more than 15 million lumens across eight lighting towers and 94 total fixtur es, including the most advanced BallTracker® technology available. The ballpark ’s moveable, modular seating configuration will enable space for up to 6,500 fa ns. 冠名權還在談判中 球場將使用人工草皮,也將經過優化設計 以確保在杜拜的高溫下仍能保持良好的性能 Field construction begins this week, with the field slated to be fully complete by the end of the year. Baseball United’s two signature professional events nex t year - the Baseball United Cup and Baseball United Season One - will both take place in the new ballpark. Baseball United may also opt to host its Arab Classi c national team event at the new ballpark as well this November during the final stages of construction. 已經開始動工,目標是明年能啟用 https://i.imgur.com/7DDkaLx.jpeg
[情報] 中東跨國聯盟公佈時程表 https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1722521823.A.CC8.html 預計明年聯合盃、中東跨國聯盟第一個賽季要在這打 阿拉伯經典賽相關活動也可能在這辦 Baseball United Ballpark will sit near the cricket ovals at The Sevens, creating the only joint bat and ball complex in the region. The Sevens, located just 30 minutes from Dubai International Airport, is an internationally-recognized sport s facility, with eight grass pitches, three grass cricket ovals, and multiple ne tball, tennis, and basketball courts. The Sevens is home to the Emirates Dubai 7 s, one of the region’s largest annual events, attracting crowds in excess of 80 ,000 over the three days. 球場位置是在體育園區The Sevens旁邊 也是中東最大體育和娛樂節Emirates Dubai 7s(阿聯酋航空杜拜7人制橄欖球)的舉辦地 離杜拜國際機場只有30分鐘車程 “We are excited to partner with Baseball United to make history again here in D ubai,” said Mathew Tait, General Manager, Emirates Dubai 7s & The Sevens Stadiu m. “Adding baseball to our venue aligns perfectly with our strategy to make The Sevens the region’s premier multi-sport destination. We can’t wait to ‘play ball’ here in Dubai.” Emirates Dubai 7s的總管表示很高興能和中東跨國聯盟合作 將棒球納入我們的場地與它們的策略完美契合 目標將The Sevens打造成該地區首屈一指的多元體育場所 https://i.imgur.com/1hZDU3J.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1727695619.A.846.html
sacredshino: 應該有錢蓋個室內的吧 09/30 19:28
Daley: 那個圓圓的是類似鑽石席的東西嗎 09/30 19:29
tending: 看第一張感覺坐向類似桃園球場 09/30 19:30
marty7976: 今年動工 明年啟用?這麼快的嗎 09/30 19:31
codeFY: 有錢要多快都行,台灣沒錢 09/30 19:35
pass9487: 1500萬美元 可以蓋好!? 09/30 19:36
cyp001: 大約5億台幣 小型球場應該可以吧? 09/30 19:38
gn01914120: 說不定只有本壘後那個是鋼筋混凝土,其他都鋼架就很 09/30 19:38
gn01914120: 快? 09/30 19:38
venom957: 這模快? 09/30 19:39
venom957: 原來是6500看成65000 09/30 19:41
air801130: 魔鷹不知道會不會打 09/30 19:46
aslk8261: 那四個圓圓的是要燒金紙的嗎?? 09/30 19:48
jay663213928: 一顆蛋比辦一場婚禮便宜(誤 09/30 19:51
Romulus: 玩真的啊? 09/30 19:52
h311013: 高溫40度不蓋個巨蛋嗎? 09/30 19:52
CavendishJr: 6500人的球場還需要跨國蓋? 09/30 19:53
KGarnett05: 怎座位區塊好像很多獨立一區沒連通 09/30 19:53
huangjyuan: 台灣不是沒錢 是政府的標都是最低標 09/30 19:55
bdgnrd0103: 靠北 那圓圓的座位直接放在場內欸 有創意 09/30 19:56
iwinlottery: 巨蛋吧 熱度不是鬧著玩的 09/30 19:57
nobeldd: 球卡到咖啡杯變成彈珠台 09/30 19:58
sunnywing: 室外嗎? 油王不蓋個屋頂嗎 09/30 19:58
salkuo: 那其他三隊的球場是現有的? 09/30 19:59
cocojohn111: 出乎意料的節省 09/30 20:00
Kenny0808: 那鑽石席是認真的嗎 09/30 20:01
hoha1111: 有錢又熱 還以為會蓋巨蛋 09/30 20:01
danielpupu20: 沙漠晚上很涼,又乾。應該是蓋室外的 09/30 20:02
sluggers: 澳職的規模 09/30 20:03
andy0305: 有錢的是沙烏地阿拉伯 沙超跟辦一堆獎金多到誇張的賽事 09/30 20:08
ET01: 中東.想蓋巨蛋也是蓋來踢足球.棒球有場地就很難得了 09/30 20:12
Yjizz: 那個圈圈不會變凶器嗎 09/30 20:12
boy810926: 辜董不斷強調海外發展有沒有考慮去這裡學辦中職海外賽 09/30 20:21
boy810926: ^主辦 09/30 20:21
Knoger: 感覺這個球場給統一平常可能還坐不滿欸 09/30 20:26
NUMB43: 石油王最近很積極發展競技 09/30 20:29
NUMB43: 前陣子還大手筆辦電競比賽 09/30 20:29
ponbo602: 感覺立德蠻適合改成類似這樣的小球場平日用 09/30 20:40
suzhou: 銀色的那是臨時看台吧 那個天母當年鐵椅區一個月完工 09/30 20:42
suzhou: 真正鋼筋水泥的是紅色椅子區 那蓋法就一堆亞奧運臨時場 09/30 20:43
suzhou: 這種亞奧運臨時場地蓋法 半年綽綽有餘 09/30 20:44
tending: 看第二張圖就確定,座向跟桃園球場一樣 09/30 20:45
moriyaorange: 這球場真的很像澳洲的棒球場 09/30 20:46
jhihheng: 還以為蓋在船上 弱 09/30 20:49
f22313467: 明年就蓋好 台灣大概要五年 09/30 20:50

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