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大聯盟主席曼佛地魔賽前接受媒體採訪內容 https://reurl.cc/XR0kNg Ratings ‘really good’ The first game of the World Series between the Yankees and Dodgers drew 17.8 mil lion viewers at its peak on Friday night, from 11:30 p.m. ET until it ended, Fox Sports said on Saturday. “Ratings were really good last night,” Manfred said. 曼佛地魔:昨天第一戰收視超棒 Ratings from Japan weren’t available before Game 2. 只不過日本那邊的收視數字還沒出來 “We should get ’em today,” Manfred said. “We’re hoping we get a really good number, they’ve been great so far in the postseason, and hoping we get another good one.” 曼佛地魔: 今天應該能收到消息 希望能得到好的數字 World Series will boost MLB’s revenue Major League Baseball is going to finish with more revenue in 2024 than it did t he year before, Manfred said but did not specify a figure for either year. 曼佛地魔:今年大聯盟營收要創新了 “I don’t have a number that I’m prepared to use right now,” Manfred said. “ It will be impacted by this, certainly will be impacted by this, in a good way. ” 只不過目前還沒有確切數字 因為營收會受到現在正在打的世界大賽影響 而且是往好的方向影響 The league in 2023 took in $11.6 billion. 去年大聯盟營收約116億美金 Grass in Sacramento a ‘modest investment’ The league recently decided to go with grass instead of turf in Sacramento at th e stadium the A’s and a minor-league team will share, a decision made out of co ncern for the heat that turf can generate. “The way I look at it: We got consensus with the players that given the circums tances, that was the best playing surface,” Manfred said. “Grass can be replac ed. It can be replaced. And that’s a question of relatively modest investment i n order to make sure that it’s the best place for the players to be playing.” 然後綠帽明年搬去Sacramento 確定不再使用原本決定的人工草皮 而是天然草皮 另外光芒大概在聖誕節能知道明年要去哪打球 大聯盟是希望待在佛州 https://i.imgur.com/F2ed26Y.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1729996561.A.D3B.html
reCAPTCHA: 888888 10/27 10:36
tonynnnn: 涼 10/27 10:36
nctufish: 涼了 10/27 10:36
a2350221: 金雞母傷了 10/27 10:37
supahotfire: 涼 10/27 10:37
t81511270: 丸子 10/27 10:37
shoko0712: 涼涼 10/27 10:37
ARRO: 沒了GG 10/27 10:37
jiunjie61: 金雞母GG 10/27 10:37
flymyfinger: 涼了 10/27 10:37
rappig: 可是 大谷... 10/27 10:37
hsuanYue: ㄆㄧㄚˉ 沒了 10/27 10:38
w520670: 涼惹… 10/27 10:38
phoebe147: 涼了 10/27 10:38
othen: 一個字,涼企 10/27 10:38
luna2000sea: 沒囉 10/27 10:39
kausan: 要涼了 10/27 10:39
leoz69927: 收視率暴跌中 10/27 10:39
sustainer123: 丸子 10/27 10:40
jacklinjia: 丸子 10/27 10:40
frog0824: 結果這下什麼都沒了….. 10/27 10:40
Dirito: 收視率啪一聲的就沒了 10/27 10:40
jerrykyo: 啪,沒了 10/27 10:40
trickart: 不會暴跌啊 還有山本由伸 不是只有一個日本球員 10/27 10:41
soratora: 收視下降中 10/27 10:41
chargebro: 主席要傻眼了 10/27 10:41
a0952136637: 金雞母…哎 傷了 10/27 10:41
Iguchi2B: 涼了 10/27 10:41
f66043284: 出事了阿北 10/27 10:41
CowBaoGan: 沒了 10/27 10:42
s920223: 啪 沒了 10/27 10:42
w9070030: 大谷傷退 涼去 10/27 10:42
F93935: 阿平下去就涼了 10/27 10:42
asdf70044: 沒了 10/27 10:42
Touber: 大谷傷退的話日本的收視就GG了 10/27 10:43
delhuang: 涼了….. 10/27 10:44
e2167471: 從這局開始就雪崩了吧 10/27 10:45
stu25936: 沒了 10/27 10:45
sustainer123: 沒了 10/27 10:45
chathin: https://i.imgur.com/wjSBCnG.jpeg 10/27 10:45
OneSong: 收視率要下滑了啦 10/27 10:46
hipnos: 啪 沒了 10/27 10:46
bada: 你別說 大谷傷退主席正在砸電視 10/27 10:47
lity3426: FLAG馬上倒欸 10/27 10:47
silver0487: 沒了 10/27 10:48
eurekacake: 啪 沒了 10/27 10:48
visviva: UCCU 金口一開 金雞就倒了 10/27 10:48
Loda29: 沒了,都沒了 10/27 10:49
RoaringWolf: 涼了 10/27 10:50
dtdon1699: 涼了 10/27 10:50
fisheryu0514: 啪 沒了 10/27 10:50
shaw0513: 蒸的丸了… 10/27 10:51
mikilin23: 收視一路往下...直直落 10/27 10:51
donkilu: 涼了 10/27 10:52
riro0335: 還有山本可以撐一下日本收視率 10/27 10:52
qpqp1: 主席,沒人在乎了 10/27 10:52
newstyle: G3無大谷,收視率開始GG 10/27 10:52
scott29: 涼了 10/27 10:53
Ferrari360: 哭啊 10/27 10:53
newstyle: 大谷傷退一堆破圈的觀眾開始關電視 10/27 10:53
pett: 沒大谷 有啥好看 10/27 10:54
dog990999: 舒服完 大谷就躺了 QQ 後面又涼了 10/27 10:58
zxcvbnmnbvcx: 涼了 10/27 10:58
femc15: 可是主席 你的收視率受傷了 10/27 10:59
dog990999: 山本是投手不會每次上啊 10/27 10:59
sealwow: 主席出席,出事啦 10/27 11:00
one393143: 8888 10/27 11:03
newstyle: 已經不是世界大賽還能不能上場,而是明年有沒有辦法上場 10/27 11:06
jaychou515: 掰掰 10/27 11:09
sheepfeather: 然後金雞母就真的涼了 10/27 11:13
StODf: 結果大谷倒了 10/27 11:17
PekoKiara: 收視率涼了 10/27 11:21
NTUCS: 啪 沒了 10/27 11:33
ccdrv: 山本:收視率 我來扛 10/27 11:40
AhCheng: 山本:還在我阿 10/27 11:43
AhCheng: 還有我阿 10/27 11:43
willy4907: 涼了 10/27 12:35
grandwar: 主席:我的收視率啊幹 10/27 12:51

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