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哈瑪星 Thread As the fall training period is coming to an end, I thought this was a good time for me to reflect on my experience of the 2024 season. 隨著秋訓期即將結束,我認為這是我反思2024賽季經歷的好時機。 I didn’t know what to expect when I first arrived in Taiwan in February. I was excited for the opportunity and committed myself to learning and make the most o f my whole experience. 當我二月第一次到達台灣時,我不知道會發生什麼事。我對這個機會感到很興奮,並致力於 學習並充分貢獻我的經驗。 It was very overwhelming at first. I found it difficult to get around, find what I needed, and understand the culture since I didn’t speak the language. 一開始是非常難以承受的。我發現很難進行社交互動、去找到我需要的東西、也很難理解當 地的文化,因為我不會說當地的語言。 I quickly learned that everyone is more than happy to help out and extremely pat ient- that made all the difference for me. Everyone with the team was great. The y all helped, and we found ways to communicate, which was often very funny. 我很快就了解到這裡每個人都非常樂意提供幫助並且非常耐心 - 這對我來說意義重大。團 隊中的每個人都很棒。他們都提供了幫助,我們找到了溝通的方式,這通常很有趣。 The team was young and inexperienced; the start of the year was tough for us. De spite those challenges we continued to work to improve, and in that process, we grew closer as a team. 團隊年輕,經驗不足;今年年初對我們來說相當艱難。儘管面臨這些挑戰,我們仍繼續努力 改進,在這個過程中,我們漸漸形成一個團隊,而且變得更加緊密。 I think we built some confidence later in the first half, and that really helped us win some close games as the year went on. 我認為我們在上半季後半段時候,建立了一些信心,這確實幫助我們逐漸隨著球季的進行, 贏得了一些拉鋸的比賽。 Personally, I had to make several adjustments in the first half. I had to learn the strategy of the game in Taiwan, how to deal with the hot conditions of the s ummer, and how to manage the schedule of games in the CPBL. 就我個人而言,上半季我必須做出一些調整。我必須學習在台灣的比賽策略、如何應對夏天 的炎熱天氣、以及如何管理CPBL的比賽行程。 By the end of July, everything I felt when I first arrived was gone. I had new f riends, on and off the field. I knew the good places to go, felt comfortable com municating no matter where I was, and knew how to get anywhere in the country. O n the field, I felt I knew the league and had a good plan going into every game. 到了七月底,我剛來時的那些感覺都消失了。我在球場內外都有了新朋友、我知道該去的好 地方、無論身在何處都可以輕鬆溝通、並且知道如何到達該國的任何地方。在球場上,我覺 得我了解聯盟,並且對每場比賽,都有一個很好的投球規劃。 I had a great year in Taiwan in 2024. I want to thank everyone who had a hand in it- there are too many to name. Thank you to the fans who came out all year and supported us no matter what. It was very impressive to see such a strong fan ba se for just a first year team. It was especially nice to meet many of you throug hout the city at places like subway, Starbucks, the mall, or on the train. I wil l cherish the memories from this season. 2024 年,我在台灣度過了美好的一年。感謝一年來一直支持我們的粉絲。對於第一年的球 隊來說,看到如此強大的球迷基礎真是令人印象深刻。很高興能在地鐵、星巴克、購物中心 或火車上等城市各處見到你們中的許多人。我會珍惜這個賽季的回憶。 Looking forward to what 2025 has in store! 期待 2025 年會發生什麼! https://i.imgur.com/QpoEHgU.jpeg
-哈瑪星 https://bit.ly/3UOuLKv 不知道台鋼有沒有機會留下哈瑪星 哈瑪星真的又帥又強啊 而且寫中文名字好可愛XDD https://bit.ly/45jzvM5 https://i.imgur.com/rfxDM93.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1731217585.A.41D.html
a5687920: 哈瑪甲11/10 13:47
arck185473: 希望可以留11/10 13:47
angel902037: 所以要續約了嗎ㄎㄎ11/10 13:47
cloudin: 感覺就是會留下來11/10 13:49
yoji520: 他是不是要寫哈瑪甲11/10 13:49
WongTakashi: 他有去追隨日職西武獅的X帳號 所以有可能會被挖走11/10 13:50
我也覺得道別味比較重 希望是我感覺錯誤QQ
WongTakashi: 前幾天的時候11/10 13:50
Gardenia0603: 希望留下11/10 13:50
sasadog: 他跟魔鷹的個性感覺都很好耶11/10 13:50
WindSpread: 漁夫帽頭號代言人11/10 13:52
busters0: 哈瑪甲11/10 13:52
※ 編輯: DoncicInPTT ( 臺灣), 11/10/2024 13:53:45
seedroy: 感覺適應不錯,台鋼合約快給啊www11/10 13:54
TokyoHard: 很像就是有生涯規畫的寫法吧 11/10 13:54
oak2002: get around應該是跟人互動 社交11/10 13:55
對欸,翻成社交才有前後文呼應的感覺 感謝你~
johnwu: 中文字寫得滿好的11/10 13:55
Ben94877: qq11/10 13:56
gto3ping: 哈馬日 11/10 13:56
oceanman0704: 頗像道別文 11/10 13:57
www90173: 推 11/10 13:57
malikpanda: 是道別吧 11/10 13:57
LeftCorner: 祝福,很有企圖心的洋將,希望不管在哪都能一帆風順 11/10 14:00
jonsir: 滿滿的送別味11/10 14:00
TimmyJiang: 感覺是要被挖了11/10 14:00
※ 編輯: DoncicInPTT ( 臺灣), 11/10/2024 14:01:14
PR58: 看來是掰了 11/10 14:01
SlamKai: 高歌離席 11/10 14:01
laihom0808: 應該要去日職了 11/10 14:01
Iversonchi: 不管去哪裡,都祝福他!加油! 11/10 14:02
jurickson: 明年西武見 11/10 14:05
orz16jim: 又帥又強 11/10 14:06
zxc906383: 要去日職了吧 11/10 14:08
yitingted: 謝喜台 11/10 14:11
ELV420: 謝喜臺 11/10 14:11
Currice6677: 橫田幫西武驗貨完畢了 11/10 14:12
a4268139: 真假 要去日職囉 蠻喜歡他的 11/10 14:14
zilong: 寫的感覺應該是會留下來 11/10 14:15
KomachiO: 他真的很強,希望他留在我啾。但無論去留都祝福他順利! 11/10 14:19
alphanet: 離別味濃 11/10 14:28
xlargebing: 要去日職喔 加油! 11/10 14:29
bear6789: 加油 投回MLB 11/10 14:36
williamroot: 感覺像道別文QQ 11/10 14:40
e2c4o6: 他是想投回mlb的 加油 11/10 14:47
jojo726: Tank you 文 11/10 14:53
jojo726: Thank you 文 11/10 14:53
AGODFATHER: 祝福啦 11/10 15:00
YiJane: 真的很喜歡他也很希望他留在啾啾 但還是不管去哪都祝福 11/10 15:00
YiJane: 這篇文寫的超真誠又認真 哈瑪星真的是一個親切又認真的人 11/10 15:00
its0130: 看來是感謝文,有緣再見 11/10 15:09
v840122v: 謝謝你喜歡台灣 11/10 15:11
s92eric0405: 藍力那張好帥 11/10 15:24
OneCell: 推 11/10 15:27
seaman675: 推 11/10 15:34
GyroZeppeli: 不管去日本或小聯盟都祝福 11/10 15:50
jenchieh5: 彼此祝福吧 11/10 15:51
tony711: 小哈好認真 11/10 16:08
aimee51126: 他很融入團隊欸 很棒的洋將 11/10 16:13
OneSong: 不管之後怎樣都祝福他,今年算不錯的一位洋將了 11/10 16:41
Eyrie: 我也很喜歡他 希望他能在啾 但去西武也是祝福~ 11/10 17:13
CaminoI: 看起來像是好聚好散的Thank you 去西武的話發展更好也是 11/10 18:07
CaminoI: 祝福他 11/10 18:07
WellyT: 看起來是道別,希望他下季也有好表現 11/10 19:54
wplinwp: 心得總結的發文 ThankYou TSG HAWKS 11/10 23:55
frank901212: 祝福 11/11 11:48

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