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八卦媒體TMZ https://reurl.cc/aZ4kM9 Juan Soto got an amazing dinner to go along with a $756 million contract on Thur sday ... TMZ Sports has learned the Mets bought their new star and his family a steak feast to celebrate his formal signing with the team. We're told just a few hours after Soto put pen to orange-and-blue paper at Citi Field, Steve Cohen hosted the 26-year-old and his loved ones at the world-renown ed Benjamin Prime in NYC. 在Soto加盟記者會後,梅子老闆帶Soto全家去吃飯慶祝 跑去牛排館Benjamin Prime https://i.imgur.com/pv2VCCB.jpeg
Soto grubbed on mozzarella and tomato salad ... and for a main course, he had a ribeye (if you were wondering, he's a medium-plus temperature kind of guy). Soto吃了莫札瑞拉起司和番茄沙拉 主菜是肋眼牛排 We're told the dinner also included a champagne toast -- and for dessert, he got a themed cake! 還有香檳、主題蛋糕 The meal went about three hours -- and those there described Soto as down to ear th and generous throughout all of it. 吃了三個小時 家人的重要性 https://reurl.cc/1XG2Ep Family is important to Soto. Boras joked that he calls the group the “Supreme Court of Soto.” It includes several uncles, his mom, dad, brother and sister, among others. Boras表示這些親友團像是Soto的最高法院 包括了幾位叔叔、媽媽、爸爸、兄弟和姐妹等人 https://i.imgur.com/U22zVIG.jpeg
話說最近推特在吵Soto的年紀 https://i.imgur.com/LSrSwIt.jpeg
18歲的Soto https://i.imgur.com/0HhQxjm.jpeg
20歲的普神 https://i.imgur.com/6NTCMTv.jpeg
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