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#22 Juan Soto 今天在與洋基的春訓熱身賽中,擔任大都會第2棒右外野手 AB: 2 R: 0 H: 0 RBI: 0 SO: 0 BB: 0 打擊三圍 .289/.391/.658 OPS 1.049 逐打席:GO/FO 今天兩個打席無安打,在第四局被換下場休息,由 Tyrone Taylor 接替守備。 終場大都會靠著九局下 Nimmo 的追平三分砲,以6:6與洋基握手言和。 - 本日儘管作為大都會先發少數的寂寞之人,也不影響 Soto 用整個春訓的表現讓大都會 球迷認識到他在打擊區上的破壞力 Soto 在整個春訓打出並列全隊最多的4發全壘打以及並列全隊第二多的25個壘打數, 也選到並列第二高的7個保送。 同時在至少打滿25個打席的打者當中,OPS和SLG皆排在前二。 當然也會認識到偶爾會出現的驚手套 https://x.com/astros/status/1897811155311022402 - 但今天的焦點還是在紐約兩隊間的Soto drama 1. 賽前與前總A Aaron Boone 和洋基先發 Marcus Stroman 相見歡 https://x.com/snyyankees/status/1904184568271270269 https://x.com/SNYtv/status/1904181974022905969 2. 明明是在大都會主場 Clover Park 但球迷間歡呼和噓聲反應兩極 https://x.com/SNYtv/status/1904225391629291829 https://x.com/NYsportSufferer/status/1904225140642095314 (觀眾席視角) 不過 Soto 和 Stroman都笑得滿開心的 3. 賽後記者會提問片段,滿滿的洋基 1) Juan Soto on what he expects in his return to Yankee Stadium: "You know Yankees fans, they can surprise you with anything." "I'm expecting the worst," he said with a laugh. 對於重返洋基主場的預期:已經做好最壞的打算! 2) Juan Soto was asked about catching up with his former Yankees teammates: "It was great, it was a great feeling. We have a lot of memories from last year." 被問到與洋基前隊友的敘舊時:很棒的感覺,有許多美好的回憶。 3) Juan Soto on facing the Yankees and Aaron Boone saying the Mets uniform "looks bad" on him: "He probably doesn't like the orange and blue, it is what it is" 被問到 Boone 覺得他穿大都會衣服很難看:他可能不喜歡橘色和藍色吧。 4) Jua Soto says he's been following the Yankees offseason moves and injuries during spring training: "I've been in touch with a lot of guys over there and I definitely know what is going on" 有和前隊友保持聯繫,也知道洋基休賽季操作和近況。 5) Juan Soto said it was great to see some of his ex-Yankees teammates today. "I've been in touch with some of the guys over there. Even though not teammates anymore, what we did was speacial. So I think they go over just being a teammate. We feel like brothers right now." 雖然和洋基前同僚們無法當隊友,但已經昇華成兄弟! - 補充一些無關 Soto drama 的提問 1. Juan Soto on how he feels now that spring training is finished: "I think we're in a really good spot... Definitely had to go through some adversities in spring training, dealing with some injuries and stuff like but I think we're going to be fine" 對於春訓告一個段落的想法:雖然需要面對一些如傷兵之類的挑戰,但我們會好好的 https://x.com/SNY_Mets/status/1904274992625336378 2. Juan Soto on the Mets' chances in loaded NL East: "You've always got to be expecting to be at the top. It doesn't matter who's in the division. We're expecting to be at the top all the time." 被問到大都會在國東群雄中如何殺出重圍:不管旁邊是誰,至少我們有想要問鼎的態度。 https://x.com/AnthonyDiComo/status/1904273375046050194 - 同場加映: 因為 Francisco Alvarez 受傷而獲得不少機會的捕手 Hayden Senger, 單局兩次盜壘阻殺成功的美技 https://x.com/Mets/status/1904238869949591989 - 賽後訪問節錄片段: 1)https://x.com/GJoyce9/status/1904270924922409366 https://x.com/SNYtv/status/1904282998951776470 2) https://x.com/snyyankees/status/1904273791884186083 3)https://x.com/SNYtv/status/1904276629087535111 4)https://x.com/SNYtv/status/1904280247194792084 5)https://x.com/MaxTGoodman/status/1904285838630060490 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1742869797.A.0FD.html
ashilol: 不行了 03/25 10:32
JohnLackey: overrated 03/25 10:32
slluu2: 王soto 屌打 03/25 10:34
ericinttu: 今天掛蛋 OPS還有1 03/25 10:35
ralfeistein: 王Soto贏了 03/25 10:36
hao94: http://i.imgur.com/fcHSPlE.gif 03/25 10:37
fan0226: 為什麼美好過去總是漸行漸遠 03/25 10:45
ma19987: 台灣wang Soto屌打 03/25 10:46
RicFlair: 王soto完勝 03/25 10:46
CMPunk: Wang Soto贏爛了 03/25 10:47
cyp001: 大王屌打 03/25 10:53
boyen0917: 我只看wang soto 03/25 10:55
lucian5566: 洋基Soto贏了 03/25 10:55
boyen0917: 今晚看wang soto棒打兄弟 結果沒上 03/25 10:56
ahgjk: 過譽 03/25 10:56
Diaw0803: 大王屌打 03/25 10:59
vfgb35: 樓下支援Wang Soto 03/25 11:03
harrychen413: 梅子有夠盤 03/25 11:05
stevejack: 還是小輸亞洲王者 Wang Soto 03/25 11:06
carwho: 不如買個wang soto 03/25 11:09
HaoPing1119: 王 Soto 已超越 03/25 11:09
Yjizz: 蘇鐸! 03/25 11:10
busters0: 這個soto 只能排第二 03/25 11:12
NowQmmmmmmmm: 大約簽下去就爛掉就好笑了 03/25 11:12
WoYaoDa: 他異父異母的亞洲兄弟 wang Soto 屌打 03/25 11:14
phyBomber: Wang Soto 屌打 還超便宜 03/25 11:15
Sho17: 等正賽開始就知道誰沒穿褲子了,亞洲那位Wang soto史上最過 03/25 11:17
Sho17: 譽還一堆人拿梗玩 03/25 11:17
dragon50119: https://i.imgur.com/7vPjnpb.jpeg 03/25 11:28
bluewhale97: Wang Soto 笑而不語 03/25 11:53
h311013: 過譽了 Over paid Wang Soto 屌打 03/25 11:55
yankees733: 不如買wang soto 03/25 12:00
gyarados: 王 Soto黃金交叉 03/25 12:05
sixis: 王黃交叉 03/25 12:13
Minihil: 笑死 橘色和藍色 鼓人和道奇嗎 03/25 12:27

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