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就是啦 華盛頓這件skin https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gmjka7uaEAELjkl.jpg
被某個對岸的繪師兼做Coser服的人控告抄襲,並說要保留追溯權利 https://i.imgur.com/CMEPna8.jpeg 對方號稱的獨家設計服 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GmuH_DabQAAlcvy.jpg
推特內文: I'm sorry to inform everyone here that the USS Washington character in the game @AzurLane_EN has copied the black nurse uniform that I designed several years ag o. I condemn this behavior and reserve the right to take legal action. The follo wing is the comparison between the two. 很抱歉在這裡通知大家,遊戲 @AzurLane_EN 中的 USS Washington 角色抄襲了我在幾年前 設計的黑色護士制服。我譴責這種行為,並保留採取法律行動的權利。以下是兩者的對比。 Everyone must be very familiar with this dress. Over the years, many girls have purchased this nurse uniform of mine, including those with tens of thousands or even millions of followers on social media. Many wonderful photos have been take n. 大家對這件洋裝一定非常熟悉。這些年來,許多女孩都購買了我設計的這款護士制服,其中 包括在社群媒體上擁有數萬甚至上百萬粉絲的人,也拍攝了許多精彩的照片。 Therefore, everyone should be quite familiar with the release time of this piece of clothing. However, now it has been plagiarized. I need to reserve the right to take legal measures to solve this problem. I appeal to everyone not to suppor t the pirated behavior of @AzurLane_EN. 因此,大家對這件服裝的發售時間應該相當清楚。然而,現在它被抄襲了。我必須保留採取 法律措施來解決這個問題的權利。我呼籲大家不要支持 @AzurLane_EN 的盜版行為。 原來這件衣服還有所謂「原創作者」0w0a… 不過有蠻多人在說她蹭流量兼推銷服裝 各位覺得呢☺? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1742797032.A.907.html

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