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被痛宰啦各位,146分打平湖人主場史上最高失分。1984年的紀錄 JJ Redick referenced the Lakers' "disposition" and "mentality" of the team: " I don't know if we assumed because we had everybody back, it would be how it was three weeks ago." #Lakeshow JJ Redick 指出湖人隊的「態度」和「心態」鬆散: 「我不知道我們是否以為只要全員回歸,一切就會和三週前一樣。」 JJ Redick says the Lakers get some "grace" since guys are just coming back, but he was unhappy with their defense and turnovers tonight. He added there may have been an aspect of them believing they could just pick up where they left off before the injuries. JJ Redick 說,湖人隊因為有球員剛剛才歸隊,所以會給他們一些「寬容」, 但他對今晚的防守和失誤感到不滿。 他補充說,可能有一部分原因是, 球員們認為他們可以直接從受傷前的好狀態繼續延續下去。 JJ Redick: "Our success, this season, since January, has been based on our defensive disposition and our ability to defend as a team and our individual pride on the ball and our individual pride in doing your job with whatever it may require. ... That's going to determine our success for the next three weeks and that's going to determine our success if we are able to secure a postseason berth." 「自一月以來,我們本賽季的成功基於我們的防守態度、團隊防守能力、 每個人在防守端的自豪感,以及每個人對自己職責的自豪感,不管這需要什麼。 這將決定我們接下來三週的成敗,也將決定如果我們能夠爭取到季後賽名額的成敗。」 JJ Redick emphasized urgency for the Lakers to get in rhythm: "It's got to be now. It's got to be Monday morning." JJ Redick 強調湖人隊需要迅速進入狀態:「必須是現在,必須是週一早上。」 JJ Redick: "That was the worst our defense has looked, maybe all year." 「這場比賽是我們防守表現最糟的一場比賽,可能是整年最糟的一次。」 JJ Redick: "It didn't feel like our group, overall, really had juice tonight." JJ Redick:「今晚整體來說,感覺我們的隊伍缺少應有的能量。」 https://i.imgur.com/TCbdIRe.gif 下一場調整好再來吧 Move on and stay healthy. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Lakers/M.1742707135.A.1F6.html

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