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https://x.com/SFGiants/status/1803229363770478912 It is with great sadness that we announce that San Francisco Giants Legend and Hall of Famer Willie Mays passed away peacefully this afternoon at the age of 93. 舊金山巨人透過社群平台宣布 傳奇球星 Willie Mays 於當地時間今日下午辭世,享壽93歲 https://x.com/MLB/status/1803231592527143109 We are heartbroken to learn of the passing of Hall of Famer Willie Mays, one of the most exciting all-around players in the history of our sport. Mays was a two-time MVP, 24-time All-Star, 12-time Gold Glove Award winner, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. 生涯兩度獲獎MVP、24次入選明星賽、12次入選金手套獎、並獲頒總統自由勳章 In commemoration of "The Catch" as perhaps the most famous play in the history of the Fall Classic, the World Series MVP Award was named in his honor in 2017. Mays was 93 years old. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1718758827.A.1ED.html ※ 編輯: hanksadder ( 臺灣), 06/19/2024 09:06:30
rockyao: RIP 06/19 09:04
Sechslee: RIP 06/19 09:10
warren0701: RIP 06/19 09:12
sppray: RIP 06/19 09:14
v0060814: RIP 06/19 09:17
oncee: R.I.P. 06/19 09:18
edhuang: R.I.P. 偉大神獸 06/19 09:19
airfifa: Rip 06/19 09:28
r511042: R.I.P. 06/19 09:28
raikkon41: R.I.P. 06/19 09:35
devilsky: R.I.P. 06/19 09:41
phenom42: R.I.P. 06/19 09:48
ChingTMH: R.I.P. 06/19 09:58
vakaTNT: R.I.P. 06/19 10:07
DavidFoster: R.I.P. 06/19 10:10
TheBlueMoon: r.i.p. 06/19 10:10
nomosa: QQ 06/19 10:12
Toy17: R.I.P. 06/19 10:18
williemays: RIP 06/19 10:43
cor1os: 老人神獸QQ 06/19 11:04
eji5k6u06: R.I.P. 06/19 11:08
kingmax111: RIP 06/19 11:14
BusterPosey: R.I.P. 06/19 11:28
O10lOl01O: omg 2024... 06/19 11:29
saiulbb: R.I.P. 06/19 11:38
saiulbb: 巨人小熊之戰還有公布的影片 令人感到哀傷 06/19 11:52
Nemophila: 長壽 06/19 12:07
ganhua: R.I.P. 06/19 12:17
iloveph: R.I.P. 06/19 12:21
Edison1174: RIP 06/19 12:54
HugoBoss: RIP Mays 06/19 13:07
BlueSkyRaker: R.I.P 06/19 13:13
Warspite: R.I.P. 06/19 13:33
earldunn: R.I.P. 06/19 14:25
LoMing1021: R.I.P. 06/19 15:04
CRonaldo07: 只拿兩個MVP可惜了,很多年WAR都排第一,可能當時沒這 06/19 15:29
CRonaldo07: 個數據? 06/19 15:29
jack34031: 2008才有 06/19 15:51
JeremyKSKGA: 我巨的傳奇球星 QQ R.I.P. 06/19 16:34
giancarloye: GOAT 06/19 16:55
yuenwwjd: 一生推~~~~~The catch 06/19 17:06
Asucks: 棒子爺很崩潰 06/19 17:48
powerman100: RIP 06/19 19:09
jose38gy: R.I.P 06/19 19:18
pu268268: R.I.P. 06/19 20:01
loveavril08: RIP 06/19 20:31
frank836: R.I.P. 06/19 21:12
unc25: Legend 06/19 22:16
Look112233: R.I.P 06/19 23:43
Mikufans: R.I.P 06/19 23:51
global: R.I.P. 06/20 00:10
ianlai0108: 近代神獸RIP 06/20 00:21
saidon: @CRonaldo07 別說數據 那年代也沒那種觀念拉 那時候打者看 06/20 00:26
saidon: 的就是很直觀的打擊率打點全壘打 投手看的就是勝投三振防 06/20 00:27
saidon: 御率 至於你說防守怎麼看?印象派阿 06/20 00:28
kenkuo1688: RIP 06/20 08:03
god2: 我們張忠謀同年生還頭好壯壯 06/20 20:50
rivet: RIP 06/20 22:26
gangrel: R.I.P. 06/21 00:50
ctbdog: RIP 06/21 12:11
qlz: R.I.P. 06/22 03:18
DRCandle: R.I.P. 06/22 05:23

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