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Who Are The Three Children Of LeBron James: Exploring Life And Career Of Bronny James, Bryce Maximus And Zhuri Nova 來源:https://bit.ly/4hqgrjL https://i.imgur.com/ytynlwZ.jpeg When it comes to LeBron James, he is deeply admired by a huge fandom for his ath letic abilities and off-screen persona. What adds to his persona is that he is a family man, with a loving wife and three beautiful children. LeBron James and h is wife Savannah James are considered NBA royalty. But to them, the most importa nt role they play is that of a parent to their three children: LeBron 'Bronny' J ames Jr, Bryce Maximus and Zhuri Nova. LeBron James因其卓越的運動才能與螢光幕外的人格魅力,深受廣大粉絲的喜愛。除了球場 上的表現,他的家庭形象也是他人格的一大特色,擁有一位愛妻和三個美麗的孩子。LeBron James與妻子Savannah James被視為NBA的王室夫妻,但對他們來說,最重要的角色是作為三 個孩子的父母:LeBron 'Bronny' James Jr.、Bryce Maximus與Zhuri Nova。 Who are the three children of LeBron James and Savannah: Bronny, Bryce and Zhuri LeBron James和Savannah的三個孩子:Bronny、Bryce與Zhuri We are taking a deep dive into LeBron James's three children, whom he has raised beautifully along with Savannah. While Bronny is 20 years old, Bryce is 17 and Zhuri is 10. Bronny and Bryce were welcomed into the world before the wedding of James and Savannah, and Zhuri was born a year after the couple tied the knot. 我們將深入了解LeBron James與Savannah共同養育的三個孩子。Bronny已經20歲,Bryce 17 歲,Zhuri則10歲。Bronny和Bryce在James與Savannah結婚之前出生,而Zhuri則是在他們結 婚後的一年才出生。 LeBron James does not shy away from showing love for his children. In an intervi ew with Access Hollywood, he shared, "My daughter is the greatest thing in my li fe, along with my boys. So, whenever she smiles, it doesn't matter what I'm doin g, it makes me happy." At the same time, he spoke about his son Bronny James who was recently drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers, expressing that he would love t o play with him. In an interview with The Athletic, he shared, "My last year wil l be played with my son. Wherever Bronny is at, that's where I'll be. I would do whatever it takes to play with my son for one year. It's not about the money at that point." LeBron James從不掩飾對孩子們的愛。在接受《Access Hollywood》的訪問時,他表示:「 我的女兒是我生命中最重要的事情,當然還有我的兒子們。所以,無論我在做什麼,只要她 微笑,我就會感到非常開心。」同時,他也提到自己的兒子Bronny James,後者最近被洛杉 磯湖人隊選中,LeBron表示,他非常期待能和兒子一起打球。在接受《The Athletic》的訪 問時,他說:「我最後一年會和我的兒子一起打球。不管Bronny在哪裡,我就在哪裡。我會 不惜一切代價和兒子打一個賽季,這對我來說已經不是關於金錢的問題了。」 LeBron Bronny James Jr, the eldest son of the power couple, was born on the 6th of October, 2004. Following the footsteps of his father, he has become an extrem ely successful sportsman. He was drafted by the Los Angeles Lakers in 2024 after spending one season with the Trojans. They are the first father and son duo in history to play at the NBA at the same time. LeBron的長子Bronny James Jr.於2004年10月6日出生。跟隨父親的腳步,他成為了一位非常 成功的運動員。2024年,他在與特洛伊大學隊(Trojans)打了一個賽季後,成功被洛杉磯湖 人隊選中,並且成為歷史上第一對父子同時在NBA打球的組合。 https://i.imgur.com/fTrriI8.jpeg On the other hand, 17-year-old Bryce Maximus was born on the 14th of June in 200 7, right in the middle of James' NBA Finals that year. He appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated Magazine with his father and elder brother. The cover deem ed them both as the "Chosen Sons". In 2025, Bryce was committed to the Universit y of Arizona to play basketball. 另一方面,17歲的Bryce Maximus於2007年6月14日出生,正是James當年NBA總決賽的期間。 他曾與父親及哥哥一同出現在《Sports Illustrated》雜誌的封面,封面稱他們為「被選中 的兒子」。2025年,Bryce決定前往亞利桑那大學打籃球。 https://i.imgur.com/8wvKCcA.jpeg Zhuri Nova James, who is ten years old, is a fashion fanatic. She helped Janie a nd Jack x Harlem's Fashion Row launch their collection in 2020. She has also giv en an interview to PEOPLE Magazine, where she shared, "I'm most excited about th e fashion and talking to the designers." Additionally, she has also made multipl e red-carpet appearances along with her parents. Zhuri Nova James,10歲的她是一位時尚愛好者。她於2020年協助Janie and Jack x Harle m's Fashion Row推出其時尚系列。此外,她也曾接受《PEOPLE》雜誌的採訪,並分享說:「 我感到最興奮的是時尚以及與設計師交流時。」她還多次與父母一同出席紅毯活動。 - 姆斯作為父親是真的沒話說,大家怎麼看這對幸福的家庭呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1741917778.A.C06.html
ZIDENS : 你也轉移焦點 03/14 10:03
ginopun10477: 實習記者給推 03/14 10:03
willy911006 : 兩個實習記者 03/14 10:03
f77928 : 朗文 ID錯誤 03/14 10:03
jokerlin7026: 老詹要不要拼父子三人同隊? 03/14 10:04
squalljack : 還好第三個是女兒,不然真的要打到50歲了 03/14 10:04
dereklin : 重點在哪 03/14 10:04
WardellSteph: 湖人三劍客 城下一聚 03/14 10:04
gigiabc : 詹國策 發個文轉移一下焦點 03/14 10:05
pneumo : 湖人駐PTT記者 03/14 10:06
haha98 : 女兒還是可以打NBA 沒有不可能 03/14 10:06
atxmin : 你怎麼知道這篇報導是不是懷著造神目的寫的? 03/14 10:06
f77928 : 老詹就是好老爸啊 03/14 10:07
Beltran : 這是皇家御用史書寫手嗎 03/14 10:08
Parazicecum : 特洛伊大學.... 03/14 10:08
Monetelliz : Zhuri 怎麼唸? 是 朱棣嗎 03/14 10:09
lafeelbarth : 實習 03/14 10:10
sunnyyoung : 人格魅力...哪個力 03/14 10:12
giunrz : 能高中專情到現在 完全沒有偷吃 真的是很猛 03/14 10:13
sunnyyoung : Zhuli是發音成努力嗎? 03/14 10:14
zjes40604 : 老詹作為父親確實沒得說 03/14 10:18
ronert0975 : 還我77 03/14 10:18
patrickc : 顧家就是推 以他的身分的確很不容易 03/14 10:19
dahlia7357 : LBJ的父愛真的沒話說,至少兒子目前也沒歪 03/14 10:20
bearKQG : 推個 03/14 10:21
metalj : 這張照片完美體現:男生身高要看媽媽。 03/14 10:22
xru03 : 推 03/14 10:26
GGiider : NBA的王室夫妻? 這記者是來招黑的吧 03/14 10:30
kuchibu : 比較喜歡那個眼鏡仔 03/14 10:32
mikeneko : Chosen sons 03/14 10:32
MacBookAir12: 乾脆等女兒打入WNBA好了 03/14 10:33
sallyhelp : 沒偷吃???跟九尾甜瓜去幹嘛隨便google都不止一 03/14 10:36
sallyhelp : 次 03/14 10:36
ship1228 : 專一、自律、守時,這不是GOAT啥是? 03/14 10:38
kawhizaza : 樓樓上 那個算偷吃? 03/14 10:43
peter211183 : 有可能爺孫同隊嗎? 03/14 10:43
silk10268 : 家庭幸福推 03/14 10:48
oa0416 : 我都付錢.JPG 03/14 10:55
windowdoor : 只要山羌想 讓他女兒進到NBA都沒問題吧 03/14 11:00
Iversonshao : 老詹很養生 都在休賽造人 03/14 11:08
j3307002 : 那二皇子會入nba嗎 03/14 11:10
eh07 : 守時是指 一條大腿的有效期限到就拋棄換新的嗎 03/14 11:13
ken720331 : NBA沒有新流量 真慘 03/14 11:25
Frozn : lbj沒上場也能有朗文喔 你們這麼愛他? 03/14 11:27
ctes940008 : ID 錯誤 03/14 11:40
lilxwxrld : 幫你煎 不來煎 朱里煎 03/14 11:40
axi : 老羌可能得等二皇子進聯盟 拿到制式二輪約才退吧? 03/14 11:40
Barbarian123: 原來自律可以當goat標準喔 那組團輪耕假摔不回防可 03/14 11:50
Barbarian123: 以嗎 也沒王朝 也不是當代最多冠 03/14 11:50
a7696405 : 小孩身材沒有遺傳到老爸算少見嗎 03/14 11:51
gnl1n : 推 父愛 03/14 11:52
cd928 : 媽媽對身高的影響很大 03/14 11:55
truegod000 : 聽名字就餓了... 03/14 12:00
LA24 : 專一是是指熱愛抱腿,一隻抱完換一隻嗎? 03/14 12:04
PaulChris : 看標題知id..咦不是!? 03/14 12:10
serval623 : Bronny 比 Maximus強蠻多的。二兒子應該沒機會進NB 03/14 12:16
serval623 : A了 03/14 12:16
a1684114 : 真GOAT 連家庭教養都屌打MJ 03/14 12:25
airsoar : 專一?騎士、熱火、騎士、湖人是? 03/14 12:29
dougho : 翻的真爛 明明就USC 甚麼特洛伊大學 03/14 12:29
Brucetk : 黑人之光 03/14 12:35
tomdavis : 幫你煎 不來煎 努力煎!!!!!!!!!!!!! 03/14 12:50
sustto : 山羌bad 父與子搞爛nba 03/14 12:53
GyroZep : 反觀LA豆導 03/14 12:53
DL3 : LBJ選妻沒考慮基因的延續性,他老婆身材太沒優勢了 03/14 13:12
DL3 : ,如果找個WNBA或小威等級,很難想象他小孩運動天 03/14 13:12
DL3 : 賦會有多出色 03/14 13:12
tolowali : 女兒最像LBJ 03/14 13:12
eh07 : 是要他連找老婆生小孩都要抱大腿唷 03/14 13:51
zvc798 : 找老婆也要抱腿 03/14 14:47
xManager : 烏魚子 03/14 14:51

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