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原文標題: Fed's Powell says 'time has come' to begin cutting interest rates 原文連結: https://reurl.cc/1bex29 發布時間: 2024/08/23 10:00pm 記者署名: Myles Udland and Jennifer Schonberger 原文內容: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell sent a straightforward message to markets in a key speech on Friday, saying "the time has come" for the central bank to begin lowering interest rates. Speaking at the Kansas City Fed's annual economic symposium in Jackson Hole, Powell said: "The time has come for policy to adjust." "The direction of travel is clear," Powell added, "and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook, and the balance of risks." Powell's speech comes just over three weeks out from the Fed's Sept. 17-18 meeting, which should see the central bank announce its first interest rate cut since 2020. Powell acknowledged recent softness in the labor market in his speech and said the Fed does not "seek or welcome further cooling in labor market conditions." The July jobs report rattled markets earlier this month, revealing there were just 114,000 jobs added to the economy last month while the unemployment rate rose to 4.3%, the highest since October 2021. Data earlier this week also showed that 818,000 fewer people were employed in the US economy as of March, suggesting reports have been overstating the strength of the job market over the last year. "It seems unlikely that the labor market will be a source of elevated inflationary pressures anytime soon," Powell said. Ahead of Powell's speech, investors had priced in nearly 100% odds the Fed would lower rates next month, with odds on a cut of 0.25% vs. 0.50% standing at roughly two to one. "Four and a half years after COVID-19’s arrival, the worst of the pandemic-related economic distortions are fading," Powell said. "Inflation has declined significantly...Our objective has been to restore price stability while maintaining a strong labor market, avoiding the sharp increases in unemployment that characterized earlier disinflationary episodes when inflation expectations were less well anchored. While the task is not complete, we have made a good deal of progress toward that outcome." Powell's remarks on Friday were reminiscent of those he delivered at Jackson Hole in 2022, in which the Fed chair offered a direct assessment of the economic outlook and, at the time, the need for additional rate increases. FILE PHOTO: Jerome Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve walks in Teton National Park where financial leaders from around the world gathered for the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium outside Jackson, Wyoming, U.S., August 26, 2022. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart Jerome Powell, chair of the Federal Reserve walks in Teton National Park where financial leaders from around the world gathered for the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium outside Jackson, Wyoming, U.S., August 26, 2022. REUTERS/Jim Urquhart (Reuters / Reuters) "At this podium two years ago, I discussed the possibility that addressing inflation could bring some pain in the form of higher unemployment and slower growth," Powell said. "Some argued that getting inflation under control would require a recession and a lengthy period of high unemployment. I expressed our unconditional commitment to fully restoring price stability and to keeping at it until the job is done." Friday's speech more or less suggests that job is indeed done. "All told, the healing from pandemic distortions, our efforts to moderate aggregate demand, and the anchoring of expectations have worked together to put inflation on what increasingly appears to be a sustainable path to our 2 percent objective," Powell said. 美國聯邦儲備主席傑羅姆·鮑威爾(Jerome Powell)在週五的一次重要講話中向市場傳 遞了明確的信息,表示「時機已經成熟」,聯邦儲備將開始降低利率。 在堪薩斯城聯邦儲備銀行於傑克遜霍爾舉行的年度經濟研討會上,鮑威爾說:「政策調整 的時機已經到來。」 鮑威爾補充說:「前進的方向很明確,利率削減的時間和速度將取決於未來的數據、經濟 前景的演變以及風險的平衡。」 鮑威爾的講話距離聯邦儲備委員會9月17-18日的會議僅有三週多的時間,屆時聯邦儲備可 能宣布自2020年以來的首次降息。 鮑威爾在講話中承認近期勞動力市場疲軟,並表示聯邦儲備「不尋求或歡迎勞動力市場條 件的進一步降溫。」 本月早些時候發布的7月就業報告震撼了市場,報告顯示上個月僅增加了114,000個就業機 會,失業率上升至4.3%,為2021年10月以來的最高水平。本週早些時候的數據還顯示,截 至3月,美國經濟中的就業人數減少了818,000人,這表明報告在過去一年中可能高估了就 業市場的強勁程度。 鮑威爾說:「勞動力市場不太可能成為通脹壓力的主要來源。」 在鮑威爾的講話之前,投資者幾乎已經確信聯邦儲備下月將降息,市場預計降息0.25%的 概率大約是降息0.50%的兩倍。 鮑威爾說:「新冠疫情到來四年半後,與疫情相關的經濟扭曲正在消退。」 「通脹顯著下降……我們的目標是恢復物價穩定,同時保持強勁的勞動力市場,避免像以 往通脹預期不穩定時出現的失業率大幅上升的情況。儘管任務尚未完成,但我們在實現這 一目標方面已經取得了相當大的進展。」 鮑威爾週五的講話讓人聯想到他在2022年傑克遜霍爾的發言,當時這位聯邦儲備主席對經 濟前景進行了直接評估,並強調了需要進一步加息的必要性。 「兩年前在這個講台上,我討論了應對通脹可能帶來的一些痛苦,包括失業率上升和經濟 增長放緩。」鮑威爾說。 「有些人認為,控制通脹需要經濟衰退和長期的高失業率。我們表達了對完全恢復物價穩 定的無條件承諾,並堅持不懈直到完成這項任務。」 週五的講話基本上表明,這項任務確實已經完成。 「總而言之,疫情扭曲的癒合、我們控制總需求的努力以及預期的穩定,已共同促使通脹 逐漸朝著我們2%的目標邁進。」鮑威爾說。 心得/評論: 結論,你各位等的降息時刻來啦,多蛙債挖空挖 準備好了嗎,禮拜一 一根 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1724422458.A.CAB.html
poeoe : 難怪美債漲 08/23 22:15
kutkin : 時間差不多囉 08/23 22:15
IrvingKyrie : 夜盤已經一根了 08/23 22:15
skuld007 : 夠直白,我喜歡 ㄎㄎ 08/23 22:15
xephon : 井噴 08/23 22:15
Lowpapa : 爽啦 鮑爾全面翻鴿 還有空蛙嗎 出來笑一下 08/23 22:15
Bachi87 : 夜盤已經勃起 08/23 22:15
jumilin927 : 噴啦 08/23 22:15
jumpballfan : 所以幾碼啦 大家都知道會降息 關鍵是幾碼 08/23 22:15
soome : https://i.imgur.com/b0YgPuH.jpeg 08/23 22:15
amazingwow : 夠直白 禮拜一噴一千點 08/23 22:16
efbnm753 : 來囉 08/23 22:16
LADKUO56 : 美股爆射一波 08/23 22:16
amotea : 所以是要幾碼 08/23 22:16
sq23123 : 美債正二可以開始進場了 08/23 22:16
cidw : 有噴噴噴 08/23 22:16
ohmyych : 哲哲贏還是輸? 08/23 22:16
skyhelp : 直接說要降息了 夠大膽的 08/23 22:16
kutkin : 股債都漲而最後總有一個要下去 08/23 22:16
uller : 不可能有人現在還空手吧= = 08/23 22:16
※ 編輯: ss910126 ( 臺灣), 08/23/2024 22:17:04
Gipmydanger : https://i.imgur.com/KcBo9y3.webp 08/23 22:16
mlda888 : 就不要最後是升息time is come XD 08/23 22:17
i376ers : 還有空軍嗎 08/23 22:17
ufo559 : 翻譯:要降息啦 08/23 22:17
amotea : 他其實啥都沒說阿 08/23 22:17
michael0323 : 演說不是還沒開始嗎? 08/23 22:17
MinJun5566 : 美債準備噴出 08/23 22:17
michael0323 : 等等,我搞錯了 08/23 22:18
stanleyplus : 沒明確 一樣那個鳥樣 08/23 22:18
cct1121 : 趴踢time 08/23 22:18
Cheng2042 : 看股市反應就知道了吧 08/23 22:18
happy7654 : 只聽得懂最後一句3q 08/23 22:18
kutkin : 股債都覺得自己是贏家 08/23 22:18
kitsune50 : 喔耶 08/23 22:18
s56565566123: 這只是剛開始 08/23 22:18
bob120400 : 嗯嗯 跟我想的差不多 08/23 22:18
c7683fh6 : Thank you sir 08/23 22:19
TeemoNoCute : 怎麼覺得有講跟沒講一樣==???? 08/23 22:19
shine32025 : 哲又贏 08/23 22:19
asas123sdsa : 到9/18還一段路 不急 08/23 22:20
chouvincent : 噴 08/23 22:20
ppav0v0v : 講一堆廢話 08/23 22:20
ethan0419 : cc 08/23 22:20
kenslc199 : 鮑皮還錢 08/23 22:20
jalai : 美國勞動力市場正在迅速降溫 9月確定降息 08/23 22:21
fourkg : 通膨降有部份是靠去年基期高 但還是噴噴 VVVVVVVV 08/23 22:21
distantblc : 降息是賣點不是買點~版友才告訴你的~ 08/23 22:21
jumpballfan : ======== 所以是幾碼啦 9月大家都知道要降息 ====== 08/23 22:21
wafone : 聽君一席話 08/23 22:22
a26893997 : 通篇屁話 美債早就反應完了= = 08/23 22:22
amotea : 聽君一席話 08/23 22:22
CMPunk : 完了 都完了 08/23 22:22
george31708 : 還有三個禮拜,之前漲的不都是預期降息了嗎? 08/23 22:22
soon55555 : 剩巴菲特空手了 08/23 22:23
trueman11111: 難怪自營開始買超了~~在美國有內線~~ 08/23 22:23
miku5566 : 怎麼一直問降幾碼,自己不會去看會議時程表喔 不是 08/23 22:23
miku5566 : 今天啦 夠煩 08/23 22:23
dreamnook2 : 咦 不是再生息嗎(X 08/23 22:24
fourkg : 就算cpi升 還是猜會降一碼 VVVVVVVV 08/23 22:24
realtreasure: 噴上25000 08/23 22:25
WeiFanL : 高估就業率,低估通膨,然後股票續漲???? 08/23 22:25
chives465 : 噴噴噴,空蛙掰掰 08/23 22:26
redbeanbread: 第二豬腳 08/23 22:26
DDhow : time has come 抓緊囉 08/23 22:26
diamondX : 台指期夜盤噴了 08/23 22:27
ri99 : 鮑大鴿 08/23 22:28
kutkin : 他的立場就是不會明講是一碼 08/23 22:29
bb55231 : tight tight tight 08/23 22:30
aegis43210 : 就一碼而已,股市反應過度 08/23 22:31
alanjiang : 穩惹 08/23 22:31
bbalabababa : 大爆射 08/23 22:33
achinyu : 終於...洩了.. 08/23 22:36
tanjau : 美股噴了 一碼 才好阿 多起碼市場直接嚇崩好嗎? 08/23 22:39
tanjau : 還過度咧 08/23 22:39
hahie : 重點是講勞動力不是問題,比確定降息和一碼重要 08/23 22:39
kutkin : 疲軟的勞動力當然不會通膨 08/23 22:41
tommytyc : 老子要降息啦 08/23 22:41
kutkin : 他意思就是他現在不擔心通膨 08/23 22:42
edison901 : 通膨任務結案 接下來不准勞動力降溫為首要任務 08/23 22:47
zombiepigman: 崩... 08/23 22:49
edison901 : 廣大勞動力的選票才是最重要的 08/23 22:49
edison901 : 一但降溫太多 要幾碼有幾碼就跟之前一樣 08/23 22:50
herculus6502: 高興沒5分鐘 08/23 23:00
greedypeople: 勞動力服務業不是還很熱 08/23 23:00
josephpu : 就很好的走向,沒有脫離FED的路線 08/23 23:22
zero7810 : 時間差不多囉 空軍可以回補惹 08/23 23:45
EddieWuRJJ : Keep cutting 08/24 00:02
film12 : https://i.imgur.com/XS1vDo8.jpeg 08/24 00:34
QUEENANN : 我以為會看到Winter is coming. 08/24 00:56
Atom : Execute order 66 08/24 00:59
a12838910 : 現在才進場美債正二 有料 08/24 01:32
anglesong : 真的降息的話 才要怕吧 代表經濟差到不行 有什麼理 08/24 01:55
anglesong : 由要在消費性電子旺季and美國大選前降息 無論如何 08/24 01:55
anglesong : 給新總統一個面子 大家都好做事不是嗎? 08/24 01:55
sopi : 井噴 08/24 02:44
alphish : 我覺得 九月他會說維持不升息 08/24 02:56
doogie : 可是昨天美債跌a 08/24 13:38

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