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原文標題:Trump tells CEOs tariffs may go above 25% 原文連結:https://reurl.cc/ZZRgMV 發布時間:2025-3-12 原文內容: President Donald Trump told major CEOs on Tuesday that tariffs may rise above 25%, claiming they are having a "tremendously positive impact." He argued higher tariffs would push companies to build in the U.S. President Donald Trump told CEOs of major companies on Tuesday that new tariffs may go higher than 25%. "The tariffs are having a tremendously positive impact," Trump told the Business Roundtable, brushing off the stock market reaction. He said they may rise above 25%. "The higher it goes the more likely it is they're going to build" in the United States. He also defended Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who is leading a White House effort to shrink the federal government. "We've had some little hiccups, not big hiccups, but we saved a tremendous amount of money," Trump said. 總統唐納·川普週二告訴主要企業的執行長們,新關稅可能會超過25%。 「關稅正在產生極其正面的影響,」川普在商業圓桌會議(Business Roundtable)上表 示,並對股市反應不以為意。他表示,關稅可能會上升至超過25%。「關稅越高,他們在 美國建廠的可能性就越大。」 此外,他也為特斯拉執行長伊隆·馬斯克辯護,後者正領導白宮的一項計劃,旨在縮減聯 邦政府規模。川普表示:「我們遇到了一些小問題,但不是大問題,反而省下了大量資金 。」 心得/評論: 川川的關稅反反覆覆 眾CEO們在台下聽到不知道作何反應 不只散戶們痛苦 現在華西街應該也是很痛苦吧? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1741748470.A.93F.html

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